Why science creates knowledge. For the saving of our industry.

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Since the appearance of the REACH regulation, it should be clear to all of us how important science is also for the tattoo industry and that we can only correct deficiencies in the EU REACH regulation with its help. Therefore, we support the scientific work of Dr. Steffen Schubert, which we would like to introduce to you briefly.

The number of tattooed people continues to increase despite all restrictions. Thus, research in this area is becoming increasingly essential, which is why Dr. Steffen Schubert has taken on it. We are talking about allergies in the tattoo area. Steffen, a research associate at the IVDK (Informationsverbund Dermatologischer Kliniken), has been researching contact allergies due to tattoo inks for 5 years. After all, about 20% of the population suffer from a contact allergy due to various substances. Reason enough to learn more about inks and its ingredients. Unfortunately, they do not yet meet the highest requirements in all places and were recently regulated by the EU Commission; unfortunately tattoo-unspecific and partly without scientific basis.
Steffen Schubert would like to change this, because on the basis of the allergological-dermatological individual diagnostics exactly the ingredients can be determined, which cause allergic reactions. In addition, pigments and metals can be identified by using high-resolution methods. This is extremely important for determining allergy triggers that were previously unknown. But that’s not all: in the long term, a cooperation with the European Society of Tattoo and Pigment Research should provide more light in the dark and at least an extension of the transition period for the all-encompassing EU-wide pigment ban by REACH should be achieved. The whole thing will only work if everyone pulls together.
That is why IAMINK is very keen to support the IVDK financially as a sponsor. We need to understand that research and a minimum understanding of what we are dealing with on a daily basis cannot become a stone in the way, but our superpower. we can only bring under the skin what we know is safe.
Also, stay safe and curious!